1. We reserve right to change price at any time. Already confirmed orders prices won't be changed but we reserve right to cancel the order and return already paid payments if order is needed to be cancelled by reasons independent of us. 

2. If paying with prepayment option, we are sending payment information and reference number with the order confirmation. We will send products only after we have received the payment. We are offering invoicing contracts only for the companies.

3. Normally we ship paid orders in the same day ordered if no any clarification is needed for the order f.e bad quality picture etc. Delivery time of the Post Office is between 1-2 work days. We are using cheapest possible shipping method if no other shipping method is chosen by customer. We are not responsible delays caused by 3rd parties. We are notifying a customer as soon as possible if we have information of delays. Tracking number is sent with the shipping confirmation if tracking information is available. Once shipment is received, customer must inspect the letter / package for any possible damages and if any customer must refuse to receive shipment. MAKE Solutions is not responsible of any shipment damages which are not covered by Post Office or insurance. Customer is fully responsible himself/herself of delay if shipment is sent 1st or 2nd class normal mail. MAKE Solutions will refund the order if products are shipped as registered letter or express letter does not arrive next work day of shipment.

4. Edible products does not have right to be returned. We have quality guarantee and we guarantee that product has been in perfect condition while we have shipped the product. If you notice any omissions or errors, please contact immediately to our customer service to solve the problem. 

5. We reserve the right to exchange product to new one or refund it to customer. We are not refunding lost work hours or any other expenses. If an error in product is caused by customer, product will be replaced the customer's expense. If error is caused by 3rd parties (f.e bakery, delivery etc) we will separately negotiate with the customer per case the best solution. Prints might contain light stripes ocassionally which are nearly invisible. It is not always possible to avoid these sripes. We try to minimum any stripes on prints.

6. We reserve right to change our terms and conditions without any notice. Our responsibility is limited to the price paid for the product. Any other issue should arise a Finnish and EU regulations and laws are applied. We try to resolve issues by negotiating, disputes will be resolved in District Court Of Helsinki. By placing order you agree our terms and conditions as it is. 

7. Customer is repsonsible of all the provided material and it's rightfulness f.e sent pictures are in correct formats. Without any instructions of scaling, placement of picture or text, Kakkupaperi.fi is reserving the right to adjust pictures to adjust the best result.

8. Cancelling order is possible ONLY if ordered product(s) is not yet in production. Printed or sent product(s) cannot be cancelled and edible goods are not returnable.